
You can get started with UBFEncoder right away. You can try the encryption software for free for 15 days. You can install the necessary solver plugins for Linux and Windows platforms. You can secure your php source files with original encryption algorithms. Before downloading UBFEncoder and UBFEncoder Solver Plugins, please read Terms of Use.

UBFEncoder PHP Encryption Software

  • Secure your PHP source files
  • Take advantage of effective restriction features
  • Perform version-independent encryption
  • Enable fast and secure deployments
  • Try it free for 15 days

UBFEncoder Decryptor Plugins

UBFEncoder solver plugins are free of charge. You can review the Support section about how they are installed.

Important Reminder : UBFEncoder decoder plugins support PHP 7.4.x , PHP 8.0.x , PHP 8.1.x , PHP 8.2.x , PHP 8.3.x versions. You must have PHP7.4.x version or later installed on your servers.

OS/Platform Packets Version Published Date
Linux (32 bits) rar | md5 zip | md5 1.0.0 2024-06-22
Linux (64 bits) rar | md5 zip | md5 1.0.0 2024-06-22
Windows (32 bits) rar | md5 zip | md5 1.0.0 2024-06-22
Windows (64 bits) rar | md5 zip | md5 1.0.0 2024-06-22

Update history for UBFEncoder

Date Version Update content
02-10-2024 1.0.0 PHP 8.2.x fixed filename comparison error for version and later.
06-08-2024 1.0.0 The parsing error reported during the chain trace key generation phase has been resolved.
17-05-2024 1.0.0 Fixed a termination error reported during source code parsing operations.
11-05-2024 1.0.0 Fixed file selection error in UBFEncoder application.